Resources - Mathematics
Why Study Mathematics?
How is math a part of your life? Should you focus on making math part of your future profession?
You may find the follwing information useful. Feel free to share your thoughts with us.
- We Use Math It's true!
- Best Jobs 2014 What do people get paid to do in the US?
- Doing the Math (WSJ) A philosophical discussion exploring the former.
Summer Opportunities in Pure and Applied Mathematics
Is it late Fall? It is probably time to start thinking about what you are doing next summer - it is never too early! If you think you might want to try out a math-oriented job, consider the information provided below.
- Mathematical Internships and Co-Ops for Undergraduates Information provided by the American Mathematical Society - a great resource for those seeking non-research oriented summer work.
- Mathematical Research Experience for Undergraduates Programs (REU) A list of most math REUs provided by the American Mathematical Society.
After College:
So it turns out you love math! You've taken some math classes in high school. Perhaps you are already in college and have taken some college-level math. You can't see yourself not doing math... Now what? Can you make a career out of mathematics? What can people do with their mathematical training?
- For Prospective Mathematicians Career information for students considering further studies of mathematics, particularly graduate school. Information provided by the American Mathematical Society.
- MAA Career Page Resource similar to above, provided by the Mathematical Association of America.
- SIAM Profiles of Professional Applied Mathematicians This page is a resource of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. It is particularly useful for students with applied and/or interdisciplinary interests.
- Math for America Foundation Interested in teaching math after college? Explore the opportunities currently available, part of a nation-wide initiative aimed at enhancing high school mathematics and science education in the United States.
- Society of Actuarial Scientists Do you like probablility and statistics? See how actuaries use the theory that you see in our courses on a daily basis.