Student Exhibition 2019: the Photo Gallery
Once again the yearly round-up of student works from all three schools of The Cooper Union opened on the night before commencement. Here is a mere sampling of its abundance. As in past showcases, works from the School of Art are only identified by the author; works from The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture are identified by the studio.
Photos by Joao Enxuto / The Cooper Union unless otherwise noted.
Chloe Friend A'21
Prof. Brian Cusack ME'01, Zach Tzavelis ME'19, Shailesh Patro ME'19, Haoran Harry Wei, Alon Levin, and Naomi Javitt (all rising seniors) at the annual Sumo Robot competition
School of Architecture Course "Minimum Viable Habitat"
Digby Clark-Martinek A'19 (floor); Ornella Polo A'21 (left); Anjanisari Sudiman A'21 (right)
Joshua Kitagorsky of the Steel Bridge Team
Design III: Fall 2018
Raya Terran A'19
"Hear Here" generates a cone of sound aimed at one individual, and can track their movements
Architectonics: Fall 2018; Photo by Lea Bertucci
Daniel Lucal A'20
Sumo Robot competitors
Architectonics: Spring 2018 (center, right); Representation (left); Photo by Lea Bertucci
Zoe Ziirsen A'20
A marimba with equal-length keys, from the Musical Instrument Design course
Detail from a model built by the students of the school of architecture for display at MoMA. Photo by Lea Bertucci
Brian Huang A;19
Interactive Light Studio: Feeling and Seeing Sound
Thesis 2018-2019
Richard Yurewich A'22
A view from outside 41 Cooper Square
Architectonics: Spring 2019; Photo by Lea Bertucci
A VR work by Brian Huang A'19
Cooper Hydroponics
School of Architecture at MoMA 2017-2018
Sydney Vernon A'19
Luka Lipovac EE'19 in the the 2018-2019 Cooper Union FSAE car
Thesis 2018-2019
Robert Dietz A'19
Design IV: Spring 2019
Mavis Figuls A'19
School of Architecture at MoMA 2017-2018
Luke Sarmiento A'21
Design IV: Spring 2019
Paulo Mentasti A'20
Archetectonics: Fall 2018