Professor Atina Grossmann is the 2024 Moses Mendelssohn Awardee

POSTED ON: May 13, 2024

Image of Atina Grossmann

Atina Grossmann, professor of history, received the 2024 Moses Mendelssohn Award earlier this winter. She accepted the award at the Center for Jewish History in New York City after delivering the 64th Leo Baeck Memorial Lecture. Her talk, entitled “Trauma, Privilege, and Adventure: Jewish Refugees in Iran and India,” was based on her most recent research, which unites a transnational approach to Jewish history with the specific story of Jewish refugees from Nazism in Iran and India. The work also drew on her own family history. 

The Moses Mendelssohn Award honors scholars who have made major contributions to the understanding of German-Jewish history. It is one of two awards bestowed by the Leo Baeck Institute - New York | Berlin. Previous recipient includes historian David Sorkin of Yale University and Susannah Heschel of Dartmouth College. 

Additionally in April, Professor Grossmann delivered the 2024 Malka and Eitan Evan Annual Yom Ha-Shoah Lecture at the State University of New York at Albany Uptown Campus. The lecture was hosted by the university’s Judaic Studies Program.

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