Carlos Irijalba
Adjunct Instructor
Carlos Irijalba Pamplona (SP) 1979.
To the question “Does the world need this new object?”, most of the times the answer would be “no”. So the work of Irijalba moves by the principle of pertinence, trying to remain context-responsive. In projects like Skins (2013), Hiatus (2022) and Pannotia (2016-ongoing) he works with geology and time sensitive materials that give us perspective on the dominant narratives in history.
Resident at the Rijksacademie Van Beeldende Kunsten (Amsterdam) in 2013/2014, Irijalba has been awardedMondriaan Fonds 2022, Sifting Foundation SF 2015 y Marcelino Botin 2007/08 among others. He exhibited internationally in the Shanghai Bienial 2012, CAB Art Center Brussels, Guangzhou Triennale 2017 or MUMA Melbourne in Australia.
His work is present in public collections as Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Sammlung Wemhoener Foundation en Alemania, the Taviloglu Art Collection in Istambul.