Faculty Grants and Fellowships for 2012-2013
POSTED ON: September 13, 2012
The following fellowships, grants, and awards are available to all Cooper Union faculty for curriculum development and other educational endeavors for the 2012-2013 academic year. Proposals should describe the educational rationale of the project, include objectives, expected outcomes, and include a timetable and budget. Course development awards are intended to provide project expenses other than Cooper Union faculty compensation. Examples of project expenses include travel, materials, part-time help, event registrations and consultants. Follow-up reports are required within six months of conclusion of projects.
The funds to support these awards are provided from investment return on restricted endowment accounts. All proposals should be submitted in writing to the President's Office by November 16, 2012. The deans of the four faculties will advise the President of their recommendations on the proposals and awards will be announced shortly thereafter.
Benjamin Menschel Faculty Fellowships
Curriculum development projects for the development of new courses involving collaboration between members of at least two of the four Faculties at The Cooper Union for courses open to all students. This fund was established by the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation.
Dale Harris Fund
Covers expenses for trips and visits that bring students into direct contact with the arts. This fund was established by outside donors in memory of a distinguished lecturer, writer and member of The Cooper Union Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences for more than 20 years.